Class F Fly Ash – Powdered

Fly ash is a heterogeneous by-product material produced in the combustion process of coal used in power stations. These micron-sized earth elements consist primarily of silica, alumina and iron. It is fine grey colored powder having spherical glassy particles allowing them to flow and blend freely in mixtures. This makes fly ash a desirable admixture for concrete.

Benefits of Fly Ash

  1. Better work ability
  2. Increase long term strength
  3. Reduces permeability
  4. Reduces heat of hydration
  5. Improves sulfate & chloride resistance
  6. Reduces risk of alkali aggregate reaction
  7. Better concrete finish
  8. Reduces shrinkage

Fly Ash Uses

Major uses of fly ash are:

  1. In the manufacture of Portland cement
  2. In the manufacture of fly ash bricks
  3. For embankment construction
  4. As a soil stabilization material
  5. As a component in the production of flowable fills
  6. As the filler mineral in asphalt road laying to fill the voids
  7. As a component in geo-polymers
  8. In roller compacted concrete dams
  9. Acts as a catalyst when treated with silicon hydroxide
Fly Ash Composition
Parameters Method Results
Fineness (Retained on 4.5 microns) ASTM C-311/311 M-16 10.18%
Free Calcium (CaO) ASTM C-311/C-114 0.58%
Insoluble Residue (I.R) ASTM C-311/C-114 63.96%
Moisture ASTM C-311/C-114 0.24%
Unburned Carbon ASTM D 5373 / Gravimetric 6.14%
Manganese Oxide (MnO2) ICP-OES 0.06%
Phosphorous Pentoxide (P2O5) ICP-OES 0.66%
Titanium Oxide (TiO2) ICP-OES 1.48%
Bulk Density (Loose) Gravimetric 0.79%
Alumina Oxide (Al2O3) ASTM C-311/C-114 27.61%
Calcium Oxide (CaO) ASTM C-311/C-114 7.36%
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) ASTM C-311/C-114 4.55%
Loss on Ignition (L.O.I) ASTM C-311/C-114 7.80%
Fly Ash Classification
Class Fineness%* Ignition loss% Water demand ratio Moisture% SO3%
Class 1 ≤12 ≤5 ≤95 ≤1.0 ≤3
Class 2 ≤20 ≤8 ≤105 ≤1.0 ≤3
Class 3 ≤45 ≤15 ≤115 ≤1.5 ≤3

* flow sieve of 45um, sieve allowance %

Fly Ash Industry Applications

Concrete Blocks
Cement Raw Material
Concrete Mixture
Paving Road